Women Workers in China During the Covid-19 Pandemic

发布日期: 2022-03-21

相关议题:灵活就业/零工经济/平台劳动, 就业, 新冠肺炎, 人口移动/流动

  • 本文关注中国女性工人在工作和生活中面临的社会问题,特别是关注性别不平等和阶级不平等在农民工女性中的交叉影响。
  • 女工既是一种社会阶层,也是一种从一个工作到另一个工作的流动性工作,她们在城市工作的机会为她们提供了一种逃离农村社会秩序和道德价值观的机会,但同时也承受着国家、资本和父权关系的三重压迫。
  • 近年来,数字平台为基础的新经济吸收了大量制造业和其他服务行业的劳动力,许多女性工人被嵌入到具有新形式纪律和新自主条件的空间中。
  • 新冠疫情的影响使许多女性工人失去传统工作,进入到可以在兼职工作中执行护理和家务劳动的零工经济中。
  • 本文的内容虽然专注于农村女性农民工,但是所分析的系统性问题同样面临着不同背景的女性。


photograph: humphery/shutterstock.com


This report offers an overview of the current social problems facing women workers in China in their work and life, with a key focus on the intersection of gender inequality and class inequality for women migrant workers.

The literal meaning of the Chinese word “女工” is “woman worker”, but the term connotes a social class, that of a manual labor, as well as a sense of mobility between rural villages and cities for the women workers bouncing from one job to the next. Being a 女工 is both liberating and limiting. Opportunities to work in a city promise an escape, albeit a temporary one for many, from the rural social order and moral values that center the continuation of families, or more precisely, the prosperity of male family members. A journey into the city can be a transgression from this set path, a journey toward more opportunities for self-fulfillment. But at the same time, 女工 is a subject that bears what Pun Ngai described as the triple violence from the state, capital, and patriarchal relations. Such relations can manifest, respectively, as the rural household registration category that restricts the social resources available for female migrant workers; as manufacturing work requires that she sacrifices entire days and nights as well as the opportunity for personal growth; and as the social expectation to send her wages back to the village for her brother’s prosperity and the expectation to perform housework alongside wage work. Such unequal and restrictive relations have enormous power over women’s lives, but as shown in the narratives and actions of these female workers, it is not a process without questioning, negotiating and reshaping.

In recent years, the growing, digital platform-based new economy has absorbed a large proportion of the labor force from manufacturing and other service industries, embedding many women workers in spaces with new forms of discipline as well as new conditions of autonomy. At the same time, the impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic have been hitting women workers, throwing many out of traditional jobs and into the gig economy where women can perform care and domestic labor alongside their gig work.

While specifically focusing on rural women migrant workers, the contents of this text are not limited only to this specific population group, as the systemic problems examined here are similarly facing women of different class backgrounds, rural migrant workers, and gig workers in China and elsewhere, and their effects are not limited solely to rural female migrant workers. The report will also explore the resources and mechanisms available inside and beyond China that protect the human and labor rights of women workers in the era of a global pandemic. For readers who are interested in advocating for women workers’ rights in China, this report suggests fields for future actions and engagement.

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